LOS ANGELES– David Philips of California and Wendy Hasher of North Carolina take to the internet to get to the bottom of one of the very first Would-You-Rather-questions.
For years, this argument has stirred up conflict amongst peers all over the globe.
While some claim that burning to death would be a much more painful experience, others contest that the pain wouldn’t compare to the mental distress and prolonged event of drowning.
Tonight, these two face off in a moderated and timed debate to finally answer this question with never-before discussed first-hand experience.
“There is no debate here,” says David Philips, after suffering 3rd degree burns.
His opponent, Ms. Hasher, who was pronounced dead for 4 minutes, thinks otherwise.
“I have met God, he would agree with me, Ms. Hasher states confidently.
Will one be able to convince the other? Find out tonight on IG Live, Sponsored by Gavin Newsom and Dasani.